Kim Stringfellow, Zzyzx Mineral Springs Resort, Zzyzx, CA, 2017, archival pigment prints, edition 1/5, 24 x 36 in, 60 x 91 cm. Image courtesy of the artist

Zzyzx Redux

Organized by Bernard Leibov, and presented with support from The Art Collective Fine Art Services, Zzyzx Redux is an exhibition inspired by that remote corner of the Mojave Desert which demonstrates the full cycle of modern Southern Californian desert history: from Indigenous trade route to gold rush era federal fort to railroad outpost to a much hyped health resort and finally an environmental research station. These cycles have spurred optimism, creative development, and new technologies as well as related aspects of dislocation, exploitation, and environmental damage. The exhibition looks at the sustainability of the current land rush in the local area through artworks both inspired by the attractant qualities of the region (light, space, architecture, nature, lifestyle) and those reminding us where history has taken us before. 

Featured Artists:

Blake Baxter
Diane Best
Ryan Campbell
Gerald Clarke Jr.
Sofia Enriquez
Kim Manfredi
Carlos Ramirez
Cara Romero
Aili Schmeltz
Ryan Schneider
Phillip K. Smith III
Kim Stringfellow

Join us in the Theatre on SATURDAY, February 12 at 12 pm Art, Place, and Identity: A View From the Desert, a panel discussion with Gerald Clarke, Carlos Ramirez and Kim Stringfellow, moderated by Steven Biller (Editor-in-chief, Palm Springs Life).